Monday, November 23, 2015

Some Medical Conditions Require A Doctor's Release To Get A Massage

Some Medical Condition Will Require A Doctor's Release To Get A Massage
Heart conditions of ANY kind are the number 1 condition that massage therapists will need a doctor's release.
Stroke is the number 2 condition that massage therapists will need a doctor's release.

There are a few medical conditions that will require a client to get a doctor's release in order for me to even allow me to get onto my massage table, conditions that put a client's life at risk.  So, if you have one of these conditions, please bring the release with you before you come in to get your massage.  

First of all, I have to let you know that I'm NOT a doctor.  You will fill out a VERY extensive medical/health questionnaire when you come into your appointment.  I've had MANY clients tell me that they have NEVER filled out a health questionnaire in any other massage therapists office.  Second, some of them get mad at me when I tell them I need a doctor's release, some don't.  This is MY training from massage school.  NO, I am NOT trained to know every health condition that will require a release, but I do know the major things to look for when I'm looking over your file.  Third, if I don't know, I may have to research. And, last,  part of the reason for the fact that other massage therapists are not asking is because for one, Kansas is STILL one of ONLY four states that DO NOT REQUIRE someone to have a license to practice massage therapy.  I know, I've blogged about this one.

I'm only going to cover a few things that I have to watch for when a client comes in, which are the major ones.  Heart conditions are the number 1 thing I will need a release.  I recently had a client in who has lost his therapist that liked me, but he will NOT go get the release to come back because he fails to understand the why even though I've told him the why.  Here is the why behind it.  I'm pushing your blood around which can put stress on the hear, leading to a heart attack, and if in AFIB, maybe even a stroke.  Yes, I'm trained in CPR and first aid.  But, honestly, I don't want to have to put either into practice with anyone.  I've also had a client that got mad when she only had AFIB, but no recent symptoms.  Same answer, I'm still not willing to put your life on the line by massaging you.  Please bring in a release if you have heart condition.

The second most major condition is a stroke.  One of my clients, also a friend, which she was a friend first, had a stroke.  I told her a week before her massage that I need the release.  She tried to argue that the release she got from the hospital that says she has no restrictions would suffice.  I let her know that would not work more than once.  I'm fairly certain she was mad at me.  All I can tell you in her case is that I'd rather have her mad at me than to take the risk of breaking something lose during the massage and causing her to have another stroke.  The same goes for anyone that comes into my office whether I know you or not.

At the time I went through massage school, I was taught that cancer was a no because it was thought that massage could push the cancer into other areas of the body, but that has since been dis proven.  I also have to watch closely for blood pressure issues.  I've also had a client that knowing had MANY things wrong with her, including blood pressure, which she was NOT medicated, so I had to deny her service, making her mad.  Again, not worth your life to take the risk.  As long as it is controlled, there is NOT an issue to get a massage.

Last major thing I watch is diabetes, but not so much that I need a release as I need to how and when meds are taken.  If you are coming in as a diabetic, please make sure you are coming in the middle of the time that your meds are administered because massage can push the drug out of your system causing you to go into diabetic shock if you aren't in the middle of the administration.

If anyone should have any questions as to what I may need a medical release for something, please don't hesitate to call me.  Please leave me a message so I can call you back.  I'd rather you come in prepared that to have you walk away from the appointment until I have what I need in your file.

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