Monday, July 15, 2013

Licensure vs. Certification in Kansas

Most of my clients that walk through my door don't know that Kansas is one of only four states that don't require licensure.  If someone tells you while they are in Kansas that they are licensed (LMT), they are lying to you because even if someone has taken and passed the test, like I have, there is nowhere for a therapist to submit the information.  In Kansas, one can only be a certified massage therapist or a CMT if they belong to an organization that approves that title.  I personally am a member of ABMP or American Bodyworks and Massage Professionals paying a fee and meeting the requirements to meet the title of CMT.  Along with most memberships is our insurance coverage in case we have a lawsuit against us.  One should feel most comfortable with a CMT in the state of Kansas.

Having been in business for over a year now, I have seen personally many reasons for the law for licensure to pass.  You will see many reasons in future blogs from me as to why I believe that this law should pass.  Should anyone have any questions about this, feel free to contact me through my site or by visiting my facebook business page

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