Tuesday, May 21, 2013

In the last year since I opened May 1, 2012, I have figured out many different things about massage and massage therapy.  I wouldn't have even thought about trying to put anything into writing as everything the previous 10 months of opening had been a whole lot of information thrown at me in a very short amount of time-anatomy, physiology, mechanics, and many different modalities for massage therapy.  I remember thinking that I could never explain to someone why they needed a massage.  Funny when I think back about how scared I was thinking that I could never possibly write a blog.  Now, I fully feel like I can which is why you will start seeing me blog about things. 

In fact, there have been a few things in the last year that I've encountered that I feel need to be said.  I just hope the people reading are the ones that need to see what I'm saying and take some action if action needs to be taken.  For those of you who don't know what I'm sharing, I hope you'll be open to what I'm saying and learn a few things along the way.

For many of you who have come to me on a regular basis, you know I'm all about helping people.  I like to teach my clients some things that can be done on their own to try to keep them from feeling "bad, sore, or in pain" in between massages.  If I had my way, no one would ever have to experience that feeling, but that isn't realistic, nor is that life.  So, for me, I want to help the ones I can, the ones that will let me, and not worry about the rest.  I hope through this blog all of us will start to make a positive difference in Topeka, KS, at least, for now.  Some of you know, but some of you don't that I've talked about expansion outside of Topeka.  But, we'll cross that bridge when it happens.  

Last thing, May is my one year anniversary and a one hour or 60 minute Swedish massage can be booked with my employee or I for $35.  Book online at www.greatlifemassage.com.  I've thought about extending the special into June and will let you know if that happens.  Looking forward to seeing you!

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