Sunday, February 16, 2014

Been a while since I posted anything.  So, here is what I need to say because I tell many of my clients about this.

I've pretty much given up on doctors that prescribe medicine. Had an eustachian tube closed in my ear a year ago. 3 rounds of antibiotics and 2 rounds of steroids later, I still had the pain in my ear and in my throat. My family physician retired on me, so I've switched doctors. The same pain was back this year. Held off going to the doctor because of no help last year with it. However, the pain got bad enough I broke down to go to be told they couldn't do anything to help me.
So, for those of you who know me and my faith, yes, I was believing for healing, too.
Three days later, I decided to go to my chiropractor, which is the only chiropractor in Topeka I'll refer anyone to since I've worked for one good one, and thanks to Sarah Venekamp 's husband, Dr. Venekamp, I found one here that practices kinesiology. Sarah, please tell him thank you for me. I go to Dr. Boehr who tells me to take calcium lactate from his quantum physics that he told me I could learn, too. Within a day, 50% of the pain was gone. Now, I've just had to keep increasing the other natural product I've been taking for weeks in order to finish off the pain. And, thanks to God for giving me direction to go to Dr. Boehr, because I almost didn't, thinking, what could he do for an ear ache? I tell many of my clients to go to a chiropractor for a free assessment because there is so much more that he can do that I can't. I can do lots for pain, but chiropractors can do so much more, like tell you why you are having the pain in the first place, which sometimes I can do, but not every time like my chiropractor I refer you to go see.

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